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House Appraisals in Ottawa – Accurate Value of Your Home

House Appraisals and Home Evaluation Ottawa

Appraisals help determine the fair market value of a property. It is a crucial aspect of the real estate market and is essential for buying, selling, private matters, or refinancing purposes. It is important to hire a qualified, and licensed appraiser to ensure a smooth process. Appraisers usually use various methods to determine the value of a property, like the age and condition of the home. Similarly, they take into account any upgrades or renovations that have been made and compare the property to similar homes sold in the area.

Who Can Do a House Appraisal in Ottawa?

Ottawa Residential Appraisals can only be performed by licensed individuals who follow the standards of the Appraisal Institute of Canada. These appraisers should be impartial and avoid conflicts of interest, ensuring that the appraisals are accurate and fair.

House appraisals are especially important in Ottawa due to the rapidly appreciating housing market in the city. Several factors have contributed to this surge but high demand for housing is one of the biggest reasons. Therefore, having an accurate appraisal can make all the difference in private purchases and sales, capitals gains FMV calculations, matrimonial settlements, estate settlements and more.

How to Get a House Appraisal in Ottawa, Ontario?

House appraisals in Ottawa are extremely important to determine the fair market value of your home. However, it’s a complex and challenging process and you should only trust a reputable appraiser for this task. Let’s discuss the steps that should be followed for getting a residential appraisal in Ottawa.

Find a Licensed Appraiser

The very first thing that you will need to do is to find a qualified Ottawa real estate appraiser. It can be done in a number of ways, like checking professional directories (such as the Appraisal Institute of Canada). You can also check online for reputable real estate appraiser and choose a reliable one.

It’s extremely important to ask (and check) about the experience, qualifications, and fees of an appraiser before hiring. Additionally, you should also be aware of any potential conflicts of interest and choose an appraiser who is impartial. These points will help you get the best possible service. You can get a quote from us by clicking the link here

Schedule an Appraisal

Once you have found an appraiser, you should schedule an appointment for them to inspect the property. During the inspection, the appraiser will take detailed notes on the property’s features, condition, and upgrades. They will also gather information on similar homes sold in the area to come up with an accurate estimate. To get an exact understanding of what the process is, check our latest blog about “The Residential Appraisal Process.

Prepare for the Appraisal

Prepare documentations such as upgrades, and your latest property tax bill.  If you have a survey of the property in your possession provide a copy to the appraiser.

Clean everything and declutter open spaces to provide the appraiser with easy access to all parts of the house.


Review the Report

After the inspection, the appraiser will compile their findings into a written report. It will provide an estimate of the property’s fair market value. Although these reports are usually accurate, it’s important to remember that it’s just an estimate and can have discrepancies. This means that the value stated doesn’t necessarily reflect the final sale price of the property as advertising strategies to sell a particular home vary. Another influencing factor could be the timing a property is listed in the market (I.e. Spring versus Winter).

If you have any questions about the report, you can simply ask the appraiser and they will be able to help you further with the report.

How Much Does a Home Appraisal Cost in Ottawa?

House appraisals cost much less than Commercial Appraisals in Ottawa. However, the cost of a Residential Appraisal in Ottawa can vary depending on several factors, including the size and location of the property. The complexity of the appraisal can also increase the cost of the evaluation procedure. Some other factors that can contribute to the cost of a home appraisal are discussed below. We would recommend getting a free appraisal quote so that you can get an accurate proposal upfront. No Strings attached. 

Qualifications of the Appraiser

The cost of an appraisal can also vary based on the experience and qualifications of the appraiser.

Some real estate professionals/companies offer to provide an appraisal as a part of their selling/buying services. It can be a cost-effective option, however, it is not a certified appraisal report and rather a “opinion of value” or a “CMA report.” Appraisers are licensed and insured to provide an appraisal report and an opinion of value or CMA report does not usually hold up in court, since its mainly just an opinion.

Cost of Traveling

The cost of transportation and other hidden costs are often not mentioned in the initial quotes. Hence, it’s highly recommended to ask about any additional fees while getting a quote.

How to Choose an Appraiser in Ottawa?

Many people tend to choose the appraiser who offers the best price for his/her services. Although it does look tempting at the first glance, it’s not always the right call.

It’s also important to keep in mind that the cost of the appraisal is just one factor to consider when making your decision. Therefore, you should compare quotes from several appraisers and choose the one that provides the best value for the cost. National Appraisals offers just that and that’s the reason why we have so many satisfied clients.

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